Mrs. Jamie Stevenson » Honors


Flower Test
**Focus on ALL forms of pollination!!!!  insect, wind, animal

Pollinator video

Cell Cycle Test
15 Multiple Choice
3 short answer
5 interpreting visuals
5 analyzing data

you need to study
  • chromatids
  • plant cell cycle (unique to plants)
  • what would happen if a step int he cell cycle or mitosis was skipped?
  • know the different steps of the cell cycle. Be sure to include mitosis substages
  • what is the result of each step of the cell cycle
  • what happens to the DNA at each step
  • length of each stage
pg 157 #7-10
Pg 167 #1-5

ANSWERS pg 157
7. the end result of mitosis and cytokinesis is two separate identical daughter cells.
8. the first clue that mitosis has begun is the appearance of chromosomes. the chromosomes are not visible before mitosis.
9. the DNA doubles in the nucleus just before mitosis begins
10. because the amount of DNA has doubled, chromosomes are called sister chromatids. each chromosome appears as two identical strands

ANSWERS pg 157
1. mitosis is one portion of the cell cycle process. cell cycle has six stages consisting of interphase, mitosis, and cytokinesis. mitosis is the process where the nucleus divides into two nuclei, each with an identical set of chromosomes. mitosis includes prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase.  The cell cycle ends with the division of the cytoplasm and identical nuclei into two new cells during cytokinesis.
2. C
3. if cytokinesis occurred before mitosis, you would end up with extra sets of chromosomes (8 or 16) in one cell and no chromosomes or nuclei in the other cell.
4. D
5. A

Cell 3D Analogy Project

***Notes about analogies
  1. use active language in your descriptions
  2. choose one comparison (NO map/guide)
  3. stay on point (don't add .... and also...)
  4. golgi body needs to focus on packaging
  5. nucleolus focus on building
  6. use our class or textbook functions, not the internets

Use one of the following formats for the analogies

  • final preview of analogies December 4
  • entire project January 14