Mrs. Jamie Stevenson » Darwin Webquest

Darwin Webquest

Stop #1: Identify the Galapagos Islands

Go to Maps app

  1. Enter Galapagos Islands into the search box
  2. Label The Galapagos Islands on your map
  3. Label the southern continents


Stop #2: Discover the Galapagos Islands

Go to

  1. Where are the Galapagos Islands?
  1. How many islands make up the Galapagos Islands?
  1. How were/ what created the islands?
  1. What is the climate like on the islands?

Stop #3: Introduction to Charles Darwin

Go to

  1. Where was he born?
  1. What did Darwin go to college to become?
  1. Why did he decide to take the voyage on the Beagle? Include details
  1. Did his father agree with his choice to go on the voyage?

Stop #4: The Voyage of the Beagle

Go to Google Earth app

This map details the Voyage of the Beagle.  The blue line shows the path the Beagle during its voyage.  The Voyage departed from England and headed down the eastern coast of South America.


  1. On your map, draw in the path the Beagle took on its voyage.  Pay close attention to details.


  1. The map identifies 37 stops along the Beagles voyage.  Your task is to choose one stop from each continent AND the Galapagos Islands and then describe what occurred at that stop in the table below.


Galapagos Islands




South America

























