MaserChef Junior - Math 7
Math 7th
Dr. Vacharaprusadee and Mr. Garcia
Essential Question
How do you apply mathematics in the real world?
Project Description
In this project, students worked together in groups to create a virtual restaurant/store through the Google Sites platform. The project aims to deepen students' understanding of ratios, rates, unit rates, and proportional relationships. In addition, students will use the cost of their dish to determine the markup, discount, and percent profit that reflects real world mathematics. In order to foster positive meaningful relationships, we challenged each group to come up with their company's beliefs and values and how it relates back to H.O.N.O.R., which is demonstrated on their "About Our Company" page of their website. At the end of each section, students were graded on a reflective rubric.
- Recipe must include at least 4 ingredients
- Calculate different serving sizes from the original recipe
- Use accurate calculations to determine the markup, discount, and percent profit
- Graph proportional relationships using Desmos
- Discover math is all around us
About Our Company
Hidden Cafe by Kaylani and Hannah

Cookie Castle by Althea, Ericka, DJ, Luz

Vibing Cafe by Ethan, Alex, Beckham, Jesse

Frog's and Hats Inc. by Chloe and Carissa

Cathy's Candy Apples by Camila and Maycee

Euphoria by Syeira, Jackie, and Valerie

The Recipe
Chocolate Ice cream World Hunger by Chloe C.
Abstraction thinking question by Syeira S.
Cookie Castle Abstraction by Althea A.
The Cooking Video
The Menu
Brown Cookies Bakery Shop by Althea A.
Chocolate Ice cream Menu by Chloe C.
Chocolate Chip Cookies by Rebeca G.
Cathys Sugar Cookie by Camila
QR Code
Scan and Explore!
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Student Reflection
Making your own business is helpful for the future, you learn new things on how to control your business. I learned that group work is fun and helpful to help me achieve. Moreover, something I learned that could help me in real life is how to calculate costs for each serving, 5 servings or how many servings are ordered. In our project our group applied multiplication, division using fractions. We also crossed multiplied as methods to find the sum of servings and costs. Having the correct unit measurements were important because we didn't want to over put the ingredient or use very little. It was also important that we had to use the right portions and the right quantity from the ingredients. - Valeria V.
Some challenging moments were when some of the group members didn’t agree on the same thing as the others which is something we needed to deal with but we were able to respect why we had different opinions which is why we were able to think of something and agree on the same thing. For this project, I had used a lot of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division to figure out the correct measurements and proportions for my recipe. - Joy H.
Honestly I wasn’t so sure about how I was going to be able to do the calculations without a calculator but I found out that it was actually quite easy. For example, the quantity section of the recipe has you find the cost/serving size for each ingredient (in different quantities of course). You can actually do some simple math such as multiplying the amount of 5 quantities by 2 to get the amount of 10 quantities since 10 is 2 times bigger than 5. I think the skills I’ve learned through this project could help me calculate numbers easier in the future for careers such as being an accountant or a marketing research analysis. The most challenging moments were when I didn’t have enough energy and motivation to keep up my part of the project. Then I remember that HONOR exists and that it's important to never give up when you’re stuck. I’d be screwed if I didn’t show ownership as well so I tried pulling through (and it worked). - Chloe L.
I learned how to apply math formulas to real world prices and situations. Some of the math formulas I learned were markup, discount, and tax. I learned this through packets that were handed out in class and MathAntics videos. I also learned how to calculate percent increase and decrease which I learned through packets, videos, and lessons in the classroom. I can apply markup, discount, and tax to real life by going to stores and calculating the discount and what the original price is. The reason that this is relevant in real life is because you need to learn how to calculate the things that you buy so you know if you’re paying too much, paying not enough, or paying just right. Skills that are non-math related that I can apply to real life are website designing skills. In the future, I can do some jobs for my family members (some of them are aspiring to start companies) to design a website for them. My most challenging moment was the selling price. The main reason why my most challenging moment was the selling price was because sometimes I would get confused on adding the marked up price to the cost price, however using Never Give Up, I was able to apply the correct formula to what I was learning. I also used Ownership to look back at examples that were given to me so I could use it as a stepping stone to help me apply what I learned to what I was solving. - Carly V.
I learned that menus have to have the appropriate prices. It can’t be overpriced or underpriced. Also the prices have to be discounted and marketed up accurately or else you’ll end up with a wrong total added up. I learned this from making my own dish menu and adding all the calculations. I can apply my learnings in whatever job I end up with. Prices are everywhere as well. Not even just in a job. Food from the store, buying houses, and even ordering a dish item at a restaurant. Most 9 out of 10 jobs still need price calculations. Like you wouldn’t want to charge the wrong price to a customer or mess up on paychecks. The most challenging moments in my project was the markup, because whatever the markup was, it defined what I would be charging my customers. Also if I messed up on the markup, everything else would be ruined as well. I used the N in HONOR for never give up and just kept adding different numbers to see what fit.
In the process, I learned markup, profit, and discount. I learned it throughout the project and through the worksheets we had. For example, if the markup of $5 is 10%, the new selling price would be $5.50. (5 x 0.10 = 0.50. 5 + 0.50 = $5.50.) I learned how to turn percentage into decimals and decimals into percentage. The selling price is the markup + the price it took you to make/buy the item (cost price). You can apply these skills to anything business related. For example, if you’re opening a lemonade stand, you can decide how much markup you want in order to gain a good profit. Or you could use this knowledge for any kind of business. One of my most challenging moments during this assignment was trying to figure out a certain percent markup for my ice cream. It was pretty difficult to set on a reasonable price while also being able to make a good profit. I used ownership to decide my prices and researched other ice cream places to see if my price was reasonable. - Dylan C.
I learned how to find the discounted price of an item. I learned that the formula you had to use is (discount=percent x original). Then because of that I was able to find out what the actual discount price was. For example, I needed to do 10% x $9.04 and that got me the answer of $0.90 per item. I can apply what skills I have learned to being a supermarket employee. It can help me learn how to find the quantity of tax and discount on certain items in the store. It can also help us find out how much we need to increase our prices by to find out what the markup is. It was hard for me at first because I was using Canva. It made it harder to do what I needed to do because I had never used it before. But I used HONOR and never gave up. I did that by asking for help and eventually learning how to use it easily. - Dylan D.
To make the menu, I had to figure out a price for my item. I looked up on Subway the prices of their chocolate chip cookies. I compared the prices and made sure that they are reasonable and fair. First, I chose what percent the markup should be. I chose the percent markup to be 400% and I gave a reason why. Then, I calculated what the markup is equivalent to. Then, I find the price of how much I mark it up with and the original price. Now, onto the discount. I choose to give my customers a 20% discount because I want to give back to my customers. I will still make profit. I calculate how much a cookie and one dozen cookies will cost without the 20% discount. I calculate my profit with the discount by subtracting the selling price with the cost price. Step 8 is profit with the discount. I subtracted the new selling price by the cost price. Next, I find out what the percent profit is after the discount. I divide the new selling price by the cost price and multiply by 100, and I get the percent profit. I find out how much cookies and dozen cookies I need to sell for $50, $150, and $800. Then, I found out how much I need to sell to buy a house in Rowland Heights. I followed the steps on the PBL. I also asked for help from my teacher and my group whenever I didn’t understand how to do a step. I practiced how to find markup, discount and percentages, so doing this project wasn’t stressful. While working on this project, I’ve learned how to design a website. This project is all about making a business. On Google Sites, my group created a website introducing our business, showing our recipes, and the items we sell. I used the skills of a website designer to do this project. I also needed the skills of a mathematician to calculate all the item’s prices that I’m going to sell. Some of my most challenging moments about making the menu and doing the calculations is finding a real life price that wasn’t expensive. The only cookie shops I knew were Girl Scout Cookies and Crumbl Cookies. Their cookies are very expensive, and it wouldn’t be fair if I was just selling chocolate chip cookies. I asked for help from my teacher and they said to look on Subway because they also sell cookies. I looked at their prices, and they were reasonable. It was also hard helping my group because some didn’t understand the work we were supposed to do. I used the HONOR word, honesty because I made sure that the prices were fair. I showed ownership because I am responsible for making decisions for the price of the item I’m selling, and making sure that my group is on task. I used the HONOR by never giving up because I never stopped trying to find a reasonable price, and helping my partners. I also used the HONOR word, open-hearted because I helped my group do their work. I was also respectful to my group, so I showed respect. - Althea A.
Teacher Reflection
This project not only challenged and stretched my students to be the best versions of themselves, it has also pushed me beyond my limits and made me think outside the box. I learned how to use Google Sites, Desmos, Google Drawing, and Canva along with my students. We took turns being the experts and teaching one another. They continue to amaze me daily with their creativity and compassion to help one another. After having my students embark on this PBL journey, I realized that there is always something that we can do to make our projects more realistic, representing real world mathematics.