English » Content Standards

Content Standards

Here is a sampling of the Language Arts Content Standards. For a more detailed document, click here. California State Content Standards

Reading Standards: Students read and understand grade level appropriate materials. They describe and connect essential ideas, arguments, and perspectives of text and relate structure, organization, and purpose. In addition to their regular school reading, students in grade 8 read 1,000,000 words annually on their own (approximately 30 minutes daily), including representation of narrative and expository text appropriate for this grade. Benchmarks find similarities and differences among texts in treatment, scope, or organization evaluate the unity, coherence, logic, internal consistency, and structural patterns

Writing Standards: Students write clear, coherent, and focused essays. Writing exhibits awareness of audience and purpose with introduction, body, and conclusion. Students successfully use the stages of the writing process. Students write narrative, expository, persuasive, and descriptive text of at least 500-700 words. Student writing demonstrates a command of standard English and the research, organizational, and drafting strategies which include: revise writing for word choice, appropriate organization, consistent point of view, and transitions among paragraphs, passages, and ideas. Students write biographies, autobiographies, short stories, and/or narratives that: 1. relate clear, coherent incident, event, or situation by using well- chosen details 2. reveal the significance of, or writer’s attitude about the subject 3. employ narrative and descriptive strategies (dialogue, action, description)