I Am Enough: Virtual Exhibition » I Am Enough: Virtual Exhibition

I Am Enough: Virtual Exhibition

7th and 8th Grade English
Mrs. Lugo
Project Description
The project began with students looking internally and asking the question "Who am I?"  They celebrated their unique gifts and talents to realize I Am Enough. 
I Am Enough
The projects point of view then shifted to students looking outside of themselves to the grander society around them.  Their focus landed on the creation of an everyday item in their lives, sneakers.  With this, they investigated the many social injustices involved with the making of sneakers.  Inspired, students took on the task of looking to their own futures to see how they could make a positive change in the world.  Each student represented these positive changes in their sneaker designs. 
Student Reflections
- I liked the 'I AM" because I was able to find some positive things about me. - DE
- I like. . .how well done we did the Sneakers.  It is meaningful because if we didn't have [sneakers] we would be freezing or burning our feet off -  JLS
- I think that shoes [are made] where toxic materials when they are made in the factory.  The children who worked here mostly died of cancer. - NM
- . . . The project was pretty good because the shows that kids make is from a lot of bad chemicals in it that kids inhale. - SH
- I like the "I AM" project because I liked drawing the flowers which made me feel good. On the Sneaker project, I liked putting pictures on it that made me happy. - DA
- It felt nice sharing personal things about me.  [About the Sneakers project] The chemicals from shoes are toxic. It's bad when kids breathe in the toxic chemicals.  Kids are the ones who make a part of the shoes. -AZ
- How I felt about the project about shoes is interesting.   It makes you feel the shoes that you wear were man made.  - VR
- I feel good [ about the 'I Am'] because I was sharing about myself and I felt good because when I was drawing my shoe I put what I wanted to do - AO
Teacher Reflection
I was pleased and surprised how insightful the students were looking at who they were and how they Could affect their world.